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21 July a Coordination Council meeting of Ovidiopol Rayon NGOs was held in Odesa Oblast. The event was attended by the leaders of Ovidiopol Rayon NGOs, Head of the Rayon Family and Youth Department, a business unit representative etc. Director of the Institute for Rural Development Svitlana Prokopenko and Social Sphere Expert Nadiya Tymoshenko were also invited.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss possibilities for integrating efforts of local authorities, business entities and community representatives in the development of local communities, organization of leisure activities for children and teenagers, and involvement of young people in solving local problems.

The Ovidiopol Rayon NGO leaders shared experience of their work in communities and related problems. Thus, community movement practitioners stated that currently NGOs in Odesa Oblast are short of information on best practices of co-operation with local authorities and businesses, on social services to be provided by community organizations etc. According to the meeting participants, another critical need in terms of enhancement of NGO activities is training on fundraising and preparation of project documentation.

At the end of the meeting its participants expressed the idea to legalise the Coordination Council in the nearest future.

Біржовий вісник Київської агропромислової біржі - професійна
інформація для трейдерів та операторів зернового ринку
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