29 June - 1 July a Workshop “Regional Advisory Services in Ukraine: Sharing Experience and Development Prospects” was hosted by the Odesa Oblast Advisory Service supported by the Ukraine Rural Livelihoods Programme (URLP). The Workshop took place at the “Chaika – 2” Recreation Centre (Odesa region). Regional advisory service representatives from Donetsk, Kyiv, Luhansk, Odesa and Zakarpattya regions attended the Workshop along with the URL Programme Management Unit and Institute for Rural Development representatives.
Each participating regional advisory service made a presentation of its activities and development plans. There were discussed perspectives of local socio-economic development programmes and local development foundations, Ukraine’s WTO accession impact and ways to improve advisory service operation.
Institute for Rural Development experts expressed their vision of advisory service development and dissemination of their experience at the national level.
The Workshop participants shared lessons of implementation of various rural livelihoods models and discussed areas for practical interaction.