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New publication of the Center has been realized

In the course of the project 'Policy Advice for Effective Land management at the Local Level' which is being implemented by the CLRP jointly with Krakow Real Estate Institute and financially supported by Polish-American-Ukrainian Cooperation Initiative (PAUCI), an in-depth report on results of research has been produced - 'Ways for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Urban Land Management in Ukraine'.

The book is offering an analysis of legal and conceptual aspects of urban land management in Ukraine. A general characteristic of the importance, role, legal status and specifics of land management has been supplemented with results of field research in pilot cities (Kyiv, Lutsk, Odesa and Kharkiv). A great attention was paid to the perspectives of formation in Ukrainian cities of modern transparent market for land and real estate as well as to the role of communities in the decision making process. A separate part of the book is dedicated to the experience of Poland in long-term lease of land parcels. Materials collected in the book may be used by local self-governance, state executive while taking decisions in the field of land resources management, and also by NGOs for the protection and lobbying of local communities interests.

Біржовий вісник Київської агропромислової біржі - професійна
інформація для трейдерів та операторів зернового ринку
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Торговая марка АГРОТОН
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сайт фермеров
Український земельний
ринок - все про землю в Україні

  Создание сайта: LND Киев
META - Украина. Украинская поисковая система Старт Украина Украинский портАл