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A field meeting of the Rural Entrepreneurship Inter-Ministerial Workgroup was held in the house of the Chernihiv Rayon State Administration. The representatives from the Union of Small, Medium-Sized and Privatized Enterprises of Ukraine, rayon authorities and governmental agencies, political parties and NGOs, business owners etc. attended the meeting. The event was facilitated by the IRD expert team.

The meeting focused on the development of specific proposals to optimize business initiatives in the rural areas. The IRD experts presented their vision of the rural socio-economic development being primarily based on business initiative and rural community support. It should be noted that this approach is typical for most European countries, and it was reflected in the Draft Governmental Programme “Welfare Through Rural Development” elaborated with the participation of the IRD experts.

Chernihiv rayon entrepreneurs sympathized with this approach and put forward some proposals related specifically to the Chernihiv oblast. Having discussed key priorities the Chernihiv rayon representatives expressed their commitment to take decisions in support of rural business initiatives.

Біржовий вісник Київської агропромислової біржі - професійна
інформація для трейдерів та операторів зернового ринку
ПроАгро - информация для агробизнеса
АгроПоиск - аграрная поисковая система
Торговая марка АГРОТОН
Фермерский бизнес –
сайт фермеров
Український земельний
ринок - все про землю в Україні

  Создание сайта: LND Киев
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