This is the title of a new Institute for Rural Development publication produced under the DEFRA funded Replicable Methods of Improvement of Rural Water Supplies and Sanitation Project.
The brochure provides potable water standards and describes the way to ensure high quality of drinking water in rural areas. The ecological problem is one of the key challenges faced by human civilisation at the beginning of the 21 century. Many people are concerned with questions, such as clean air, water and soil, but it is not always possible to get irrefragable answers.
The publication will be useful for all those who care about their own health as well as the health of their families and associates. Our life quality, health and our children’s future is directly linked to the quality of water we use. This problem is acute especially for the rural areas of Ukraine where people use water traditionally without additional purification. It often results in an unacceptable health risk.
How can we secure ourselves and the environment against the risks? What should be the quality of water we use? What is the way to guarantee its quality? How can the watercourse contamination problem be solved and where’s the money coming from? – One can get answers to these and other questions in the publication.
Along with potable water standards and water purification theoretical aspects the brochure provides the description of practical measures developed and implemented by some rural communities in Kyiv and Odesa regions.
The publication will be interesting for local community leaders, officials, utility company staff, specialists, and all those willing to improve their life quality.