A new brochure, “Aspects of TPAC (Third Party Arbitration Court) Activities in the Rural Areas” is off the press.
It was prepared by the IRD experts and contains full and unbiased information on the principles of third party arbitration procedure and its practical use in the rural areas. The authors substantiate benefits for the rural residents from this kind of legal support, describe the Continuing TPAC operation.
The brochure contains interesting information on the Association of Specialists in the Agrarian Sphere “TPAC Initiative” and provides addresses of regional branches of the Continuing TPAC established at the Association. During one year of operation this body helped tenants to return around UAH50 million worth of property.
The brochure will be distributed for free among the Association’s regional branches, and it is also available free of charge at the following address:
18 Voznesens’kiy Uzviz, Office 3, Kyiv
Institute for Rural Development
(044) 272 1760; (044)272 3758
E-version is available on our website in “Our Publications”.