Institute for Rural Development  
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Oleksandr Tsepko, Deputy Director of the Institute for Rural Development, became a member and attended the first constituent meeting of the Advisory Board of the US Peace Corps Economic Development Project in Ukraine.

The Advisory Board was set up with the intention to provide advice on development strategies and take part in the project monitoring and analysis.

Its formation reflected significant changes in the Ukrainian environment. Prior to this a detailed project analysis and assessment was carried out and it was recognized that volunteers’ activities should be reorganized in order to meet Ukrainians’ urgent needs. Finally, it was decided that efforts should be focused on economic development of local communities with Peace Corps volunteers helping their members in the following areas: introduction of strategic planning, administrative improvements, upgrading computer skills, tourist infrastructure development, and civic engagement. The Advisory Board involves noted Ukrainian and international experts working to enhance these project priorities.

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The Peace Corps Economic Development Project has been implemented in Ukraine since 1992. Its goal is to improve business and management education, enhance professional skills of entrepreneurs and NGO leaders. Over 13 years, 650 volunteers have worked in more than 150 cities of Ukraine.

Біржовий вісник Київської агропромислової біржі - професійна
інформація для трейдерів та операторів зернового ринку
ПроАгро - информация для агробизнеса
АгроПоиск - аграрная поисковая система
Торговая марка АГРОТОН
Фермерский бизнес –
сайт фермеров
Український земельний
ринок - все про землю в Україні

  Создание сайта: LND Киев
META - Украина. Украинская поисковая система Старт Украина Украинский портАл