The Workgroup was formed in pursuance of a special commission by Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko № 19678/0/1-05 dated 16.04.2005.
The workgroup consists of 11 commissions, including that on social and economic development of rural areas. In order to ensure Programme's complex expertise and accomodation of community and state interests in the sphere of agrarian policy an Expert Council and a Government Control Group have been set up.
The Commission on social and economic development of rural areas, consisting of leading Ukrainian scientists and specialists, includes all the Institute for Rural Development's experts: Tamara Ostashko, Nadiya Tymoshenko, Ulyana Holovenko, Roman Korinets, Oleksandr Tsepko. The Commission on social and economic development of rural areas is headed by the Institute for Rural Development Director Svitlana Prokopenko who is also included in the Expert Council.
On 20 April, at the Prime Minister's meeting with the heads of commissions where the Programme concept was presented, Y.V. Tymoshenko expessed her appreciation of the team's work.