Institute for Rural Development  
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Regulatory framework

Law of Ukraine “On Credit Unions”
 This law defines the organisational, legal, and economic principles of establishment of credit unions and their associations as well as rights and obligations of members of credit unions and respective associations.
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Size: 143 Kb

Law of Ukraine “On Associations of Citizens”
 The right of citizens to freedom of association is an inalienable human right formalised by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ensured by the Constitution and legislation of Ukraine. The State supports the development of political and public activity, creative initiative of citizens, and creates equal conditions for activities carried out by their associations.
File type: doc
Size: 150 Kb

Law of Ukraine “On Agricultural Cooperation”
 This law lays out the legal, organisational, economic and social conditions that determine the types of activity open to agricultural cooperatives and associations of such cooperatives.
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Size: 190 Kb

Law of Ukraine "On Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Service Markets
 This law sets forth general legal principles in the sphere of financial services and exercise of regulatory and supervisory functions over the activity on provision of financial services.
File type: doc
Size: 308 Kb

Біржовий вісник Київської агропромислової біржі - професійна
інформація для трейдерів та операторів зернового ринку
ПроАгро - информация для агробизнеса
АгроПоиск - аграрная поисковая система
Торговая марка АГРОТОН
Фермерский бизнес –
сайт фермеров
Український земельний
ринок - все про землю в Україні

META - Украина. Украинская поисковая система Старт Украина Украинский портАл