Institute for Rural Development  
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Our events

The Institute for Rural Development has won a tender to implement “Improving Knowledge of Villagers about Their Rights and Opportunities”
The Institute for Rural Development has won a tender to implement “Improving Knowledge of Villagers about Their Rights and Opportunities” Project under the European Initiative for Democracy Human Rights Programme (EIDHR)

The Institute for Rural Development has won a tender to implement “Improving Knowledge of Villagers about Their Rights and Opportunities”
The Institute for Rural Development has won a tender to implement “Improving Knowledge of Villagers about Their Rights and Opportunities” Project under the European Initiative for Democracy Human Rights Programme (EIDHR)

Familiarization - study tours
In April - May 2007, the Institute for Rural Development facilitated the number of familiarization-study tours for authority representatives and international technical assistance (ITA) project experts and consultants from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova.

Our partners' events

Center for Land Reform Policy in Ukraine

5th National Exhibition-Fair for Green Tourism “Ukrainian Village Invites”

Participants from Ukraine, ICP partners Olena Lazorenko (League of rofessional Women), Svitlana Kuts ( Centre for Philantropy) and Nataliya Martynenko (Institute for Rural Development).
Nataliya Martynenko, our fundraising expert represented the of the Institute for Rural Development at the Warsaw Regional NGO Congress on “Civil Society Involvement in Building Democracy”.

Київська обласна сільськогосподарська дорадча служба

Біржовий вісник Київської агропромислової біржі - професійна
інформація для трейдерів та операторів зернового ринку
ПроАгро - информация для агробизнеса
АгроПоиск - аграрная поисковая система
Торговая марка АГРОТОН
Фермерский бизнес –
сайт фермеров
Український земельний
ринок - все про землю в Україні
Агрорынок Херсонщины - украинская торговая площадка
по зерну и продуктам питания, доска объявлений, каталог предприятий, электронный оптовый рынок овощей и фруктов Юга Украины, цены на продовольственном рынке

  Создание сайта: LND Киев
META - Украина. Украинская поисковая система Старт Украина Украинский портАл